My baby doesn’t sleep – Help
I’ve just read a very interesting article on about an American mom – Erica Knecht – who lives in Japan and her baby who doesn’t really stick to any sleeping pattern. She wrote about her exhausting experience:
From the very beginning, my daughter was a terrible sleeper. She was born in Japan, nine months after I followed my husband and his job to a coastal town in Southern Japan. Alert and hyper-sensitive, three-week-old Stella would lay in my arms, halfway to dozing, then pop open her eyes, fighting drowsiness with might and main. Until she was 14 months old, each night was punctuated by six, eight, or ten wakings. There was no daytime reprieve. Naps too, were short and unreliable, heralded by screaming and squirming as I lunged and paced, babe in arms, as far as my tiny Japanese bedroom would allow.
She basically tried everything but nothing helped. What do the Japanese do or what does Erica’s Swedish friend do when her baby is tired?
Lets check out from this very useful article: