5 mistakes that new moms make
Everybody makes mistakes not only new moms and dads. We may not be that experienced but we always learn from our mistakes. You can’t prepare yourself for everything but try your best. Check out these 5 tips that can be very helpful when you’re a new mom (or dad):
Crowded Public Places
Your baby is tiny and brand new. You may have obligations and events you want to attend but it’s not worth the risk, you don’t want a sick newborn. Stay home with your newborn for the first few weeks until your baby builds up his immune system. Avoid things like kid birthdays or crowded malls.
Sleeping Through the Night
Some parents get excited when their new born sleeps through the night, this isn’t a good thing at such a young age. A newborn may sleep through the night but you need to wake the child to feed them. Newborns need their nutrients about every 4 hours. If you let your baby sleep through the night it could cause her to develop jaundice and become sluggish making it harder for her to wake up when she is hungry and need to bed fed. Check with your personal pediatrician to see when it is okay for them to sleep through the night.