10 things that you shouldn’t buy a pregnant woman for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is almost here and you want something romantic and nice to your pregnant wife or partner. I know it’s really hard to be romantic at this time. All the aches, the pains, the swollen feet, the big belly –  well, there’s nothing romantic about it. Husbands and partners try hard but many times they fail when it comes to buying something nice for Valentine’s Day. Fortunately there ‘s a bit of help because Katie from babble.com collected 10 things that you shouldn’t buy a pregnant woman for Valentine’s Day. The list is 100% priceless 🙂

She writes:

That said, this year, I think his challenge is greater, because pregnancy gift giving can be a little like a field full of land mines. Now, barring something horribly offensive, I would never turn down or be anything but grateful for a gift, but there are just some things that you should never buy a pregnant women, either for the implication of the gift or for the fact that it is just so not something she needs at this point in her life.

Forget giant maternity underwear, lingerie or wine:

These seem like another way to get your wife something “intimate” but sorry, there’s nothing intimate about underwear the size of Jupiter. I’d like to pretend like my husband doesn’t even know what my underwear look like right now, even though I largely refuse to wear anything but my pre-pregnancy underwear. It’s still not a pretty sight.

If you want to have some fun and good advice the read this great article!

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