Things you shouldn’t buy for your baby

When you’re an expecting mom you want to buy everything for your baby. If you’re a pregnant woman it’s really hard to convince you not to buy certain things for your baby but there are actually a couple of baby stuff that you shouldn’t buy because it’s a waste of money. I know that from my experience.

Article written by Beth Shea on Inhabitots explains which baby stuff you should “avoid”:

“How can one tiny baby possibly need all of this stuff?” It’s a question new parents usually ask themselves as they stock up with countless purchases to accommodate the arrival of their bundle of joy. Baby gear galore is marketed to inexperienced moms- and dads-to-be who simply want what’s best for their newborn — and if told an item is a ‘must-have,’ many add it to the nursery, which may already be overflowing with items that will end up being of little to no use. Let us help take some of the clutter out of baby’s homecoming. Here are 10 things that you DON’T need to buy for your new baby to welcome him into the world.

1. Baby Wipe Warmer

Whether your green diaper changing regimen includes reusable cloth wipes, or moistened biodegradable wipes, a baby wipe warmer needn’t be on your list of purchases. If you’re worried about giving baby a chill, simply warm up the wipe between the palms of your hands before swiping it across his bottom. You may also opt to wrap baby in a cozy towel during diaper changes to keep him warm overall.

2. Diaper Pail

Imagine all of the large and clunky plastic diaper pails that will end up in a landfill once baby outgrows the diapering stage. Not to mention all of the plastic trash bag liners that go inside the diaper pail. Since there’s really no way to re-use a diaper pail after its intended purpose, make due without one. Take soiled diapers outside to your trashcan regularly to avoid household odors. If you still deem the stink collector a must-have, thoroughly wash and disinfect it when you’re finished with it, and research donating it to a shelter, daycare or Goodwill. You may also look into foregoing diapers entirely with the Elimination Communication method.

You can read the rest of the article: Ten things you don’t need for your new baby

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