From baby to toddler

toddler descending a staircase - _MG_9514

I read a funny article on this topic. My son is only 9 month old but I can imagine how he’s going to behave when he’s gonna be toddler (oh my God, I’m  scared)

Elle Davis has collected the top ten ways you know your little babe has transitioned into a toddler, let’s check them out:

10. You get to hear Elmo’s Song over and over and over again. Sure, I could hear Welcome To The Jungle on a loop and not get tired of it but at least Axl Rose isn’t a furry, red monster. Oh wait…..

9. Getting your little one to brush their teeth has become a sport of sorts. You chase them around the house while holding their toothbrush like an Olympic torch. When you finally catch them, they scream bloody murder when you get the toothbrush near their mouth.

8. You love going to Target and can spend hours going through the aisles while pretending it’s a mini vacation but your toddler gets restless only a few minutes in and doesn’t want to sit in the cart any longer. You give in and take them out of the cart and then have to go running after them full speed ahead, sometimes having to push the cart aside so you can grab your toddler before they step in front of someone else’s red cart.

7. Your little one has been given breakfast and lunch and you’re dying to eat something so you sneak into the kitchen for a quick bowl of cereal while they’re playing in the living room. I’m convinced toddlers have the sense of smell that dogs have and while you’re trying to eat, they start calling for you and ask for a snack. With their snack in hand, you go into the living room to give it to them but they spot what you’re eating and want it immediately. Since you can’t deny your child food, one bite becomes two, then three, and before you know it, your breakfast is gone.

6. You thought changing your baby’s diapers was hard but once they hit toddlerhood, they twist themselves in ways you never thought possible (which makes putting on their diaper comparable to wrestling an octopus).

You can check out the rest here It’s really funny but it’s actually true.

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