Breastfeeding problems
I’m in my 34th week at the moment and I’m reading various articles on breastfeeding. My favorite site – has always something new. I came across this great article from Debbie Koenig about breastfeeding.
Let me share them with you:
Harry was born at 37 weeks exactly, not early enough to be considered premature, but early enough to have two problems common to near-term babies: jaundice and a poor suck. (Later I learned that they’re intertwined — my boy was yellow because he wasn’t getting enough from my breasts.)
The pediatrician kept Harry in the hospital for an extra night. I’m pretty sure that was the worst night of my life — leaving the hospital without my newborn was heart-wrenching enough, but knowing that they would be feeding him formula sent me over the edge. I’d been a bit brainwashed, you see. I’d come to believe that formula would somehow hurt my baby (breast is best!), and that introducing a bottle in the first days would put him off breastfeeding forever. I know: It’s a hospital.
Read the rest of the article by clicking the link: Moms need to eat too