Have you heard about the Mommy Bullies?

I did because actually one of my friend is turned out to be one. She is older than me, just a couple of years and she also has a son who is 4 month older than mine. She is a nice girl but she knows everything better and honestly she goes on my nerves sometimes. Her way is the only way ie. she knows the best how to feed  toddler, how to raise one. She is a real mommy bully. I was actually really happy when I read this article because it helps you how to handle these types of women:

I thought motherhood was a higher level of sisterhood. A sisterhood that was full of support, not criticism. And as I have matured and experienced “life” as a woman and a mother, I have learned plenty about the “mommy bullies.” Here are some suggestions to keep in mind the next time you feel like you are under fire:

1. All of us mommies are trying to do the best that we can raising our babies to be amazing individuals.

2. There is always going to be a subject about parenting that we don’t know about. Stay humble and try not to feel so frazzled. Chances are when another mommy makes it seem like they know everything about mommyhood, they are really totally insecure about whether they’re doing a good enough job.

3. When you feel like you are getting ganged up on, walk away. Stay strong to what you believe in and trust that you know what is best for your family.

4. Do more research. I have learned the most by listening to what topics other mommies speak about and then going home and researching for myself. Come to find out what one mommy claims is the most amazing preschool, really might not be what you think is amazing!

5. You might have to go a little bit out of your way to stay in touch, but when you connect with another mommy don’t lose track of them. Be outgoing and schedule more playdates individually.

You can read the rest of the article here:

7 secrets all mamas need to survive the mommy bullies

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