Baby Parenting : Tips on Getting a Baby to Sleep Through the Night
In order to get a baby to sleep through the night, make sure they get a good meal, that they take a bath and that they don’t take any naps after five o’clock. Provide comfort to a baby when trying to get them to sleep through the night with advice from a career mother in this free video on baby parenting.
Expert: Vickie Wheaton
Bio: Vickie Wheaton is a career mom with decades of uninterrupted experience. She works around the clock taking care of her family.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
Duration : 0:1:24
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when my baby would …
when my baby would get sleepy while having a bottle, i made sure i stroked his hair. i thought he would associate that with relaxing and sleepiness. now he cries a little when i put him in his crib, but i can just touch his hair and he relaxes and goes to sleep. sometimes he’ll wake up at about 3 am and i’ll just touch his hair again and he falls back to sleep almost instantly.
is this chick for …
is this chick for real???????? a “well meal”? this is surely a chick who wants some face time! and what is with the little witch in the background- maybe the kid would sleep if she moved the witch- possible spooky no sleep spell??????????