Ways to save on disposable diapers
I have a baby boy and as a new mom I have to buy awful lot of diapers and of course every mom wants to save money on them because they cost a fortune. Babies need also baby wipes, diaper creams because we have to keep our baby’s bottom clean and dry. My favourite site – babble.com – gave me some great money saving tips:
Buying in bulk: The diapers we use are not available at the big warehouse stores, but someday when he’s a little bigger and his skin hopefully toughens up a bit, that’s going to be a big money saver. Definitely check if your diapers and wipes are carried in bulk, it seems expensive but it’s cost saving in the long run.
Shop around: Unless your stores are so far apart that the cost of gas is going to make it not worth it, check a couple different stores in your area. I’ve found that Target sells our diapers a few dollars cheaper than Babies R Us does, though they don’t sell them in as big a package. Doing the math makes Babies R Us diapers slightly more reasonably priced, but I’m always watching for sales at Target, Walmart and other local stores.
If you want to get more tips on how to save money on disposable diapers then you can check this out:
Check out the comments too because they also give you some great tips.