what web site could i get free baby coupons without getting offererd alot of other stuff i don’t want?
Your best bet would be to go to the manufacturers websites. Both Pampers and huggies will send you coupons regularly throughout your childs diaper wearing years. Most formula companies do this as well. To find the manufacturers website just enter the name of the product into a search engine like http://www.google.com and it should bring you right to their site. You fill in your information and they send you the coupons / samples.
If you are in USA try the TOY-R-US store @ amazon.com… I dont know about anywhere else!
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Gerber will mail you stuff to your house–a ton of coupons. You can call them and talk to them about it too if you want.
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Your best bet would be to go to the manufacturers websites. Both Pampers and huggies will send you coupons regularly throughout your childs diaper wearing years. Most formula companies do this as well. To find the manufacturers website just enter the name of the product into a search engine like http://www.google.com and it should bring you right to their site. You fill in your information and they send you the coupons / samples.
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Mom of three.
Go to almost any website that you are interested in receiving coupons for and chances are they will have a section for you to print out or get by mail coupons that you could actually use!
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I am the queen of online coupons and free samples! Like the above answers say, go to the company websites. I always get free samples and coupons in the mail from pampers and huggies. Gerber and Beech-nut are good too… beech nut even has a program where if you send them labels from baby food jars they send you back coupons.
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http://www.babycenter.com/ This is a great site with a lot of good information on it, along with coupons. My daughter is pregnant and every week they send her an email of what to expect in that week of pregnancy . they also have a message board with people posting coupon sites.
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http://www.wow-coupons.com not only has links for printable coupons for grocery items, but it also has retail stores as well (IE. CHILDERNS PLACE) check often because they change often…i’m sure you’ll find some other savings U can use for house and MOMMY….any savings when u have a child is helpful….good luck!
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bradsdeals (free, no signup, no popups) has a page just for baby store coupons:
childrens place, babycenter, one step ahead, etc.
there is actually a 25% off coupon code for children’s place:
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