I’m a mom-to-be, I’m going to have our baby in May and I know by now that it’s hard to be a dad-to-be. It’s not easy to deal with a pregnant woman whose world is upside down and can only talk about her baby 🙂 That’s why I found babble.com’s article really interesting. Let me […]
Michelle Horton from babble.com collected the best baby shower gift ideas for 2012. They are pretty amazing I have to say – and very useful too. You can find bottles, burps basically everything that a baby will need in the first months. She writes: As much as we love gift registries, the perfect baby shower […]
Transitioning baby to solid food – this is always a dilemma for young moms. It’s hard to decide when to do it but there are of course signs when you feel that your baby needs solid food. Shaina Olmanson who is a mother of four wrote a great article about this topic, she writes: How […]
Valentine’s Day is almost here and you want something romantic and nice to your pregnant wife or partner. I know it’s really hard to be romantic at this time. All the aches, the pains, the swollen feet, the big belly –Â well, there’s nothing romantic about it. Husbands and partners try hard but many times […]
Every mom and dad has to find the perfect name for their baby. It was quite easy for us. I really adore the girl name Naima and I knew if we’ll have a girl her name will be this beautiful name which actually means “graceful”. If it’s a boy it’s gonna be Noel Patrick which […]
I can’t really tell you how I love babble.com. It helps me a lot during my pregnancy. They also have a must-have newborn care guide which can be pretty useful – no matter how many kids you have it contain loads of great advice. It’s a step-by-step guide about the time when you leave the […]
Diaper rash is a very common problem when you have a baby. Many moms think that they did something wrong but actually they didn’t. Diaper rash is a very common problem and to be honest all babies have diaper rash. According to Dr Sears: There are many misconceptions about a baby’s bottom: • It is […]
Another year and another great article from my favorite site babble.com. I’ve just read these 25 parenting resolutions that can help you in the New Year. Lets check them out: Lose 10 pounds. Drink more water. Exercise. But let’s resolve to change in ways that really matter this year. To change our outlooks, our parenting […]
What are the hottest and most popular baby names at the moment? Did Sophia and Aiden win as in last year? Well, lets find out now: Nr. 10 is Abigail Nr. 9 is Emily Nr. 8 is Madison Nr. 7 is Chloe Nr. 6 is Lily Nr. 5 is Ava Nr. 4 is Olivia Nr. […]
I’ve just read a very interesting article on babble.com about an American mom – Erica Knecht – who lives in Japan and her baby who doesn’t really stick to any sleeping pattern. She wrote about her exhausting experience: From the very beginning, my daughter was a terrible sleeper. She was born in Japan, nine months […]