Archive for the 'Useful tips for moms' Category

How to make a burp cloth

Burp clothes are really useful when you have a baby. You can use a cloth diaper as a burp cloth or you can buy some but you can also make nice burp clothes for your baby. Why do you need them? – Because newborn babies spit up when they are burped. So you need something […]

Tips for mom-to-be’s

Watch out mom-to-be’s because babble. com has collected 50 rules for a new born son, just a couple of examples from this cool list: Have a favorite song. It doesn’t have to be hip. (The best ones never are.) Until you are a doctor, never answer your phone at the table. That goes for emails, […]

Breastfeeding problems

I’m in my 34th week at the moment and I’m reading various articles on breastfeeding. My favorite site – has always something new. I came across this great article from Debbie Koenig about breastfeeding. Let me share them with you: Harry was born at 37 weeks exactly, not early enough to be considered premature, but […]

How to organize minimalist birthday party for babies

How to organize a minimalist birthday party for your child? It’s a good question. You don’t want to spend a fortune on it but you want the best for your child. I came across this great article on how to throw a minimalist birthday party, here are some tips from the article: Set a time […]

Helping kids coping with newborn

I’ve just came across this great article in the nzherald where you can read about how to help kids coping with newborn. It’s actually not easy to be the big brother or sister. Settling a new baby into a house where older siblings already live requires some thinking ahead writes Rachel Grunwell. Diane Levy, an […]

Baby feeding chart by month

It’s not easy to decide how much to feed your baby. I came across this great chart where you can actually check how much breast milk or formula your baby needs. As writes: In terms of amounts, babies are born with a beautiful sense to self-regulate intake, but to ensure you’re not underfeeding or […]

Getting your toddler to sleep

There are nights when your toddler doesn’t want to sleep. How can you help him or her to go to sleep again when he/she weaks up in the middle of the night. Here are some tips from Maureen Ryan: Even if your toddler has been going down well at night for weeks or months, you’re […]

Breastfeeding is best for the baby

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics exclusive breastfeeding is best for the baby: Breastfeeding exclusively is recommended for a baby’s first six months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding along with food until a baby is at least 12 months old. They also add: Breastfed infants are more than one-third less likely to die […]

Great vegetable recipes for kids

Every mom knows that kids should eat vegetables but there are of course picky eaters who doesn’t like this or that. It’s not easy to raise a kid to be a veggie-lover but my opinion is that kids should eat the same meal as their parents. So how can you make them love your vegetable […]

Traveling in hot weather with kids

My favorite site – Parenthacks – came up with a great idea how to cool hot kids when you travel. It can be a lifesaver in many families. You won’t need anything else just a couple of Frogg Togg Chilly Pads. When the weather is hot you have to prepare it like this:  you have […]

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