I have baby formula coupons thats expire 12/31, but I wont be able to use them til after the 31st?
Will walmart or anywhere still take them
Call your local retailers and ask them.
If you get someone who says you can, write down their full name.
Will walmart or anywhere still take them
Call your local retailers and ask them.
If you get someone who says you can, write down their full name.
I dont think anywhere will. Why cant you use them until after? Can you have a friend of family member use them for you?
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Call your local retailers and ask them.
If you get someone who says you can, write down their full name.
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be normal. feed the kid how its supposed to be fed. Is that not the reason u have breasts?
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No. Even if the cashier doesn’t read the fine print, alot of stores scan the coupons and the computer will recognize that the coupon is expired.
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I doubt it. If it is past the expiry date they don’t have to accept them.
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Doubtful. It’s not the store not wanting to take them, its a matter of the manufactuerer not rembursing the store for the discount. You might find somewhere that will slip them though. See if you can use them before the 31st.
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