Does anyone have any unwanted baby items such as Enfamil Lipil formula, coupons, boy clothing, or bottles?
Does anyone out there have any baby coupons, Enfamil formula checks, Enfamil Lipil formula, diapers, baby boy clothing, or other baby boy items that they do not need? I had an ovarian tumor and have had lots of medical problems within the last year which has caused severe financial difficulties. We do not qualify for WIC. Money is extremely tight right now, I am giving birth to a baby boy in 9 weeks, and we can use all the help we can get. Please let me know at
Thank you with all of my heart. <3
P.S. I have joined but haven’t received any responses yet.
I also joined but there are no free baby items in our area (just wanted items!) Thank you though.
I actually just got a can of the 2nd step lipil stuff and a coupon yesterday,my youngest is 4. If you want it contact me thru answers
Check out for free/ cheap baby stuff, and good luck!
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I actually just got a can of the 2nd step lipil stuff and a coupon yesterday,my youngest is 4. If you want it contact me thru answers
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It is not free things but you could try ebay. I have shopped their for most of my niece and nephews clothing and you can get things cheap.
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