Is it okay for grown ups to eat baby food?
My mom likes to eat baby food. She said it’s cheaper and we had coupons for discounts. Is it really okay for her to eat baby food? She wants me to try too but I think baby food is for babies.
It’s fine. The vegetables and meats are really bland, but the fruit baby food is realy quite good.
baby food is great it has all the nutrients babys need, so therefore it would be great for anyone!!
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i guess it is whatever floats your boat
you mine as well give it a try, it can’t hurt
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Baby food is the purest food you can eat… it’s just the thought… but it’s perfectly good food… and beats Whiskas and 9 Lives, hands down.
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Lol, it won’t hurt you. When my friend was pregnant she would eat baby food because she thought it was better for the baby.
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well of course it is , eating them is like a snack for some people , I mean it is all healthy usally fruits and vegtables….
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wel it can do no harm,lol.
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Baby food is healthy for you. It is low in sodium and additives that a majority of "adult foods" contain. I say that if it weirds you out, don’t do it, but don’t discourage her. it could work to your advantage to try the stuff though…if you have kids in the future, you will know what tastes good! 🙂
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Baby food is quite nutritious, and it contains far fewer additives than processed "adult" foods.
On the downside, there’s no seasoning in it, so the flavor is pretty bland.
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It’s fine. The vegetables and meats are really bland, but the fruit baby food is realy quite good.
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It is rather silly
But many of the deserts are better than the others
I don’t think it could possiably be cheeper.
being a 67M
I have never stopped to look at baby food prices.
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