Money saving tips for moms – Tip3

Portion Control – it’s a good thing

According to the Wikipedia: “Portion control is understanding how much a serving size is and how many calories a serving contains. Portion control is important for weight management as the weight is defined by the total calorie intake. Healthy eating, using Aristotle’s philosophy, is the desirable middle between two extremes of excess and the other of deficiency (over eating and not eating enough), the “golden mean.” Portion control is eating a healthy balance of amount and types, of varied foods.”

So try to stick to this because recent studies showed that our portions are 3 times (!!!) bigger that they used to be.

When you cook for  your family try to think about how much food you actually giving them. It is never too late learning portion control. There’s an easy way to remember portions; you can learn to estimate serving sizes with everyday objects. It’s not complicated at all. Have a look at this list (source

cheese (1 oz.) = a ping-pong ball

hamburger (3 oz.) = a mayo jar lid

peanut butter (1 tsp.) = one die

beef (3 oz.) = a bar of soap

rice (½ c.) = an ice cream scoop

potato = a computer mouse

dinner roll = a yo-yo

butter (1 tsp.) = a Scrabble tile

fruit (1 c.) = a tennis ball

cooked pasta (½ c.) = a golf ball

fish (3 oz.) = a checkbook

poultry (3 oz.) = a deck of playing cards

cereal (1 c.) = a baseball

salad dressing (2 Tbsp.) = a shot glass

nuts (1 oz.) = a cupped palm

Money saving tips for moms

Vegetables should fill half of your plate. You may think that vegetables are so expensive. I have good news for you, you can always buy frozen vegetables, they are as tasty as the fresh one and to be honest sometimes they are even fresher than the so called “fresh vegetables”, last but not least they are less expensive too.

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