6 healthy finger foods for babies

Since my son is eating solid food I’m very cautious what to give to him. We started with fruit puree then we continued with vegetable puree and now he almost eats everything that is healthy and nutritious for him. He loves finger food too. But what to give to our baby as a healthy finger food? Inhabitots has some great tips on healthy and organic finger food options, let’s check them out:

By ten months of age your little one can drink breast milk or organic formula like a pro, and he’s probably gotten used to baby foods too, such as organic purees. But, finger food? Well, that’s a much newer ballgame and you might be wondering what little bites are best for your baby. Eating new foods and learning to hold onto different sized and shaped goodies are great developmental skills, which is why finger foods are so important. Serving your baby organics right from the start is also important – why give your baby finger foods packed with pesticides? If you’ve got a new little muncher, you may be wondering what sorts of foods are healthy, yummy, and safe for him. Remember, when introducing new foods you should serve single food items, one-at-a-time to rule out baby food allergies. Following are six Inhabitots-approved healthy and organic finger foods to give your baby.

Fresh organic avocados

Organic avocados are a great healthy finger food — and a fun one for babies to squish between their fingers. Avocados contain plenty of monounsaturated fats and vitamin E for a healthy heart, tons of folate, and they have more lutein than other fruits, which promotes eye health. You can serve ripe avocados cubed or sliced thin, and cold, room temperature, or warmed slightly. You can even lightly sprinkle avocado pieces with minced cilantro to help encourage a new taste experience for your baby. Other healthy fruits suitable for a baby include organic cubed or sliced bananas, soft sautéedapples, slivers of fresh strawberries and peaches, diced kiwi, very ripe and soft mango, and watermelon cubes.

Check out the rest of the list, it’s really useful – 6 healthy finger foods for babies >>

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