Dangerous things in your home for a child

Fox Hollies Children's Centre and Hall Green Children's Centre - sign - children's safety

When you have a child you become more concerned about the safety of your house. You need to check which things can be dangerous because there are actually many so you have to be really careful.  It’s important to check everything because you can save yourself the stress.

Babble.com has another great article on this topic:

here are some times where I wonder what life would be life if I didn’t have children. My life would not be as fun, fulfilling or stress-filled and I wouldn’t want to change it for anything.

When you have kids, obviously your life changes. Sleep becomes less frequent and there are added things to your to-do list.

One thing that is added is being responsible for the safety of someone else — or they bring with them some generally harmless things that are actually harmful when you think about it. they can be harmful to your health, your child’s life, your sanity or even your house.

Click through to read the 8 generally harmless things that could become dangerous when you have kids.

So what are the most dangerous things in your home?

Probably the worst place is the Kitchen:

I love being in the kitchen and creating and trying out new recipes. I know there are some safety things to learn, but when you have kids the kitchen just seems so much more dangerous. According to the Department of Health and Environment in Kansas, “In 2004, approximately 2,300 children ages 14 and under died from unintentional injuries that occurred in the home and nearly 80 percent of these deaths were among children ages four and under. Most fatal injuries at home are caused by fire, suffocation, drowning, choking, falls, poisoning or firearms discharged unintentionally.” They suggest teaching kids the proper safety guidelines for the kitchen early and often.

You can check out the other dangerous things in your home for a child >>

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