Mothers and sons photos
This article made me cry. It was almost 9 month ago when I gave birth to my son and looking at these pictures made me really emotional. I always wanted a boy and I got one 🙂  Jessica Ashley who wrote this post has a son as well and she asked her readers to send photos of themselves ans their sons. I think it was a brilliant idea.
She writes:
I’d always imagined myself as a mother of many girls. Once that boy was in my arms, once I whispered my hellos, there was no space left for any other vision of motherhood.
I’m the girliest of girly girls. Loving and raising this boy has taught me volumes that far exceed the number of pages in What to Expect — on Star Wars and funky smells and manhood and Lego and costumes and itty-bitty boxer briefs and how to make balls (yes, those balls) make sense to a small child.
All of that cannot be covered in all the books in the world. But much of it can be captured in one simple photograph. I asked mothers to send me their favorite photos with their sons and to tell me why that single sweet, silly, momentous or everyday snapshot means so much to them.
Just take a look at these great photos, I love them: