How to soothe your baby
Babies do cry, sometimes a lot. There’re babies who cry more than others. There’re many confused moms who don’t know what to do when their babies cry a lot. Why do they cry? It’s pretty simple, they can’t talk so that’s why they cry because this is the way of communication in their world. Babies cry because:
- they are bores
- they are hungry
- they are scared
- they need a new and clean diaper
- they just want to be held
When your baby cries you’ll need to respond quickly, don’t worry you won’t spoil your baby, he/she needs to be comforted.
If your baby cries, try the following:
- Check to make sure he isn’t hungry.
- Check to make sure he has a clean diaper. If not, change it.
- Look for signs of illnessor pain. Check if he has a fever over 100.4 degrees, swollen gums or an ear infection.
- Rock the baby or walk with him.
- Sing or talk to the baby.
- Offer him a pacifier or a toy.
- Take him for a ride in a stroller.
- Take him for a ride in the car. Be sure baby is secured in the car seat.
- Swaddle the baby by wrapping her snugly in a receiving blanket.
- Play soft music or turn on TV. Be sure the sound is low and soothing.
- Run the vacuum cleaner, put on the clothes dryer or run water in the bathtub or sink. Some babies like these rhythmic noises.
- Hold the baby close to your body. Breathe calmly and slowly.
- If nothing else works, put the baby in his crib on his back, close the door and check on him in 10 minutes.
If your baby cries much more than usual call your doctor to check whether there’s a medical reason. You can also check for the following signs: if the baby pulls up his legs or passes gas often then he/she may have colic.
The most important rule: never ever shake your baby. If you need help call a friend or a family member that can also help to soothe your baby or just give you a break.