Are there any dangers to potty train a child too early?

Potty Training

The answer is yes, there are. There are many parents who would like to potty train their child too early. They do it in Europe too. Everybody knows that diapers are pretty bad for environment. There’re also scientific studies were written that children who train later are more likely to end up having accidents.

This is a really interesting topic and I thought it’s really worth to share with you:

As a pediatric urologist who specializes in toileting problems, I’ll tell you this: Children under age 3 should not manage their own toileting habits any more than they should manage their college funds. Preschools that require 3-year-olds to be potty trained – like the one in Virginia that suspended 12-year-old Zoe Rosso for excessive potty accidents – are harming kids. And infant toilet training, promoted in Mayim Bialik’s new book Beyond the Sling, is just plain nuts – unless, like Bialik, you monitor your child 24/7, feed your child a high-fiber vegan diet, and home-school your child. Babies need to experience uninhibited voiding, or elimination, without the expectation of using the toilet at such an early age.

It’s not that young kids can’t be potty trained. Sure they can. But knowing how to poop on the potty is not the same as responding to your body’s urges in a judicious manner.



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