Top 5 pregnancy and baby controversies
When you’re pregnant there are many controversies that surround us. It’s hard to decide what to do because there are so many things that you don’t know or haven’t had any experience with babies before. Lets check out what to do and what not to do when you’re an expecting mom.
Bottle Vs. Breast
Breast milk is “best” for the baby on a strict ingredients-only analysis. But what’s best for your baby includes more than a list of ingredients. Life for a new mother is complex and only you can know what’s going to be “best” for all involved.Epidural Vs. No Epidural An epidural is just one way to cope with pain in labor. And all women need to cope in labor. The stereotype is that if you go without one you’re a martyr, but women who don’t get epidurals have tons of other coping tools in play. We also hear that getting an epidural is wimpy but that doesn’t make sense– you’re still giving birth
Find out more about the top 5 pregnancy controversies >>