Dad-to-be facts – mom-to-be’s should read it too
I’m a mom-to-be, I’m going to have our baby in May and I know by now that it’s hard to be a dad-to-be. It’s not easy to deal with a pregnant woman whose world is upside down and can only talk about her baby 🙂 That’s why I found’s article really interesting. Let me share it with you.
According to Louann Brizendine:
In her book The Male Brain: A Breakthrough Understanding of How Men and Boys Think, neuro-psychiatrist Dr. Louann Brizendine says there’s much more to men during pregnancy than meets the eye. It turns out the transition from man to dad is fraught with very real physical, emotional, and hormonal shifts as his mate’s term progresses. Based on this insight into the intricacies and idiosyncrasies of the male brain, here are seven things to expect from him when you’re expecting.
Another suprising fact about dad-to-be’s:
Science has known for a while that the mother’s estrogen and progesterone nearly triple while she’s pregnant, but, as it turns out, the father’s hormones get affected too. Certain pheromones sneak out of the mother’s sweat glands, causing his testosterone to decrease and his prolactin — the “Mr. Mom” hormone — to increase. All of this hormonal re-jiggering stimulates his paternal instincts. Basically, as boy brain turned to man brain during puberty, man brain is slowly converting to daddy brain during pregnancy.
Want to know more about this interesting process then check this out: