Predict your baby’s gender
I have to confess I’m as curious about my baby’s gender as other moms. Unfortunately I don’t know it for sure but it’s fun to try i.e the Chinese Lunar Calendar. You have to enter your birthday and the month of conception then just click on the big Go button. Of course you can’t be sure about this and it’s advisable to wait until you doctor confirms it but it’s fun to try. I have to emphasize it’s only for entertainment purposes. I won’t tell you what’s my prediction – it’s a surprise 🙂
Let’s find out how does it work:
By crossing the month a child was conceived with the age of the mother at conception, it is purported that you can determine the birth of your unborn child. For instance, a 30-year-old woman who conceived in January would give birth to a boy, according to this calendar. Remember, the Chinese Lunar Calendar is based on the month the baby is conceived and not when the baby was or will be born. The calendar is also designed to work only for women with calendar ages between 16 and 43.