Since my son is eating solid food I’m very cautious what to give to him. We started with fruit puree then we continued with vegetable puree and now he almost eats everything that is healthy and nutritious for him. He loves finger food too. But what to give to our baby as a healthy finger […]
I read a funny article on this topic. My son is only 9 month old but I can imagine how he’s going to behave when he’s gonna be toddler (oh my God, I’m scared) Elle Davis has collected the top ten ways you know your little babe has transitioned into a toddler, let’s check them […]
I want to find the reason why my baby son wakes up crying. He usually does this in the afternoon, in the morning he’s fine and wakes up normally. But what’s the story with this crying. I’ve just visited The Baby Sleep Site where Nicole Johnson gave some good tips on this topic. Let’s check […]
When you have a child you become more concerned about the safety of your house. You need to check which things can be dangerous because there are actually many so you have to be really careful. It’s important to check everything because you can save yourself the stress. has another great article on this […]