Archive for September, 2010

Great books for babies

It is really important to introduce books for babies. You can find so many great books for infants and young toddlers too. Most of them made of cloth, vinyl and durable cardboard so they will endure many hours of “reading”:) What are the most popular books for babies. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You […]

Free baby stuff for expecting mothers

When you are an expecting mom you don’t really know which products to choose. That is why good to try free baby stuff for expecting mothers. If you are a mum from the UK please click on the banner below: I know it is really hard to say no to those lovely baby stuff that […]

Making gifts for your baby

I have a favorite blog called Design Mom, she always has so many crafty ideas and beautiful pictures on her blog. In her last blog post she explains how to make gifts, she says? “When December hits, I go through the ideas with my kids and we a) use them, or b) take inspiration from […]

Freebies for mums

Mums want the best for your babies. I am sure you agree with me on this. There are so many freebies for mums available you just have to find them. Trust me it is not hard to find great freebies for mums. Where to find freebies for mums? First of all you can find them […]

Coupons for babies

I won’t tell you a secret when I tell you that the internet basically is full of coupons. You just have to know where to find them. It is not difficult at all. You can find everything online from coupons for babies to baby food coupons. Let’s see what kinds of coupons are available for […]

Baby food coupons

As a mom you probably know that baby food cost a fortune nowadays. You don’t want to waste too much money on it but you want to provide your baby with nutritious and wholesome baby food. How can you save money on baby food? Well, you should start collecting baby food coupons. There are different […]

Free baby diapers

As everybody knows diapers are pretty expensive nowadays. You usually have to spend a fortune on them. If you think about that you have to change your baby in every 4 hours that means 6 changings per day. Let’s make a quick calculation: 2.190 diapers a year! OMG, that is a lot of diapers and so […]

Free things to do in NYC

Moms can have fun for free in NYC too. Where else but in New York can you take in a jazz recital in the morning, a movie or free yoga at the park and free theater in the evening without handing over a dime? That’s the promise of which is devoted to sourcing the […]

Money saving tips for moms – Tip5

Have fun for free! You may think that having fun for free is not possible. I have good news for you. There are actually different ways to have fun for free. Let’s see the options: Library: if you are a cash strapped mom you may find books very expensive. It’s time to visit the library. […]

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    about me Hi, This is Noemi here. I want to share my money saving tips with you. My motto is: A penny saved a penny earned.
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